MISC What can I plant in a wet shady spot that floods? Can I use mulch as a growing medium in a raised bed?
WEEDS How can I eradicate bamboo? How can I control English Ivy and Poison Ivy that is climbing high on my trees?
TREES How do you properly prune a tree? New shoots sprout up from around a tree I cut down. My 65-year-old maple tree’s roots are causing the driveway to buckle. Can I cut those roots?
FRUIT TREES My fig tree hasn’t produced fruit in the last couple of years? Can I propagate a peach tree from a peach pit?
VEGETABLES When is the best time to plant vegetables in Central Virginia? Should I plant a cover crop in my vegetable beds after harvesting is complete? Why do my squash plants flower but not set fruit?
PERENNIALS When is the best time to prune lorapetalum (Chinese fringe flower)? When should I cut back peonies and irises? My Black Eyed Susan’s leaves are drooping and curling under.
SHRUBS How can I safely transplant a hydrangea? When is the right time to prune hydrangea? When should I prune azaleas and roses?
PESTS How do I control lace bugs on azaleas? How can you control voles & moles in your lawn and garden? Why is my oak tree oozing black sap?
LAWNCARE How do I control nutsedge in my lawn? What are the most common weeds in Henrico and how to control them? I have patches of moss in my lawn.