Website Committee Volunteering
Our purpose: We want the public to know about the MG program. So, we maintain the website with our current events, information to help in gardening and details on our latest programs.
Additionally, this is a great way to attract individuals into the program to become MG volunteers. They can easily see what projects they can become a part of.
We want to educate the public. For example, we have taken all questions from the helpdesks and put them on the site in a FAQ format organized by category. These are all questions with approved answers from Virginia Tech.
The need: We can use individuals who have a computer and the desire to learn. We can easily teach you how to put content on the website. This can be in the form of posting information on the site and/or images of our activities and programs. We try to meet once a month to discuss our progress, any hurdles or future projects.
Why join: this is one of the few MG projects that you can earn hours when the weather is bad, cold or you just want to stay inside. It is very easy to accumulate hours, exercise your creativity and learn new skills all at the same time.
Our Address –
If interested: contact Randal Watkins – email (