More than 800 attend HMGA Spring Plant Sale
at Deep Run Park, gross sales exceed $5880

Despite a cloudy, misty start to the day, more than 800 people attended the Henrico County Master Gardeners’ Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, June 12, in the Event Field at Deep Run Park in Henrico’s west end.

Master Gardeners offered more than 1,000 potted plants — perennials, shrubs, trees, herbs and some houseplants — from their own gardens at bargain prices. Most of them were sold, and proceeds from the sale topped $5881.

“Just amazing,” said Nadine Oswald, Master Gardener who was in charge of all event arrangements. “The event was scheduled to start at 10 a.m. and they were lined up by 9 a.m.”

In addition to plants, pre-made floral arrangements, created under the direction of Mary E. Vetrovec, (pictured at left, below) were also available for purchase.

A “Treasures from the Garden Shed” tent (photo below) sold gently used gardening items.

More than 60 Master Gardeners were at the event to help customers make their purchases, help carry purchases to cars and answer questions about gardening.

“Other (Master Gardeners) who couldn’t join us today had helped with preparations,” Oswald said. “What a great opportunity to get to know each other and share our knowledge with the community.”

In addition to the two sales tents, six tents housed educational displays offering interactive opportunities for children and adults:

County Extension Services

At the Henrico County Extension Office tent, information was provided on SMART Lawns, SmartScapes, 4-H programs, vermicomposting (lower photo above) and how to become a Master Gardener. At least 15 people signed up for information on becoming a Master Gardener.


Butterflies and other Pollinators

Children and adults learned about the importance of pollinators as they viewed plastic replicas of a variety of bugs, bees, ants, moths, butterflies and other pollinators (bottom photo above) and were able to see and even touch a live luna moth caterpillar (top photo above).

Native Plant Society

Master Gardeners and members of the Virginia Native Plant Society offered information about the importance of planting native plants. They also handed out free copies of the Plant RVA Natives campaign guide, “Native Plants for Virginia’s Capital Region.” People willing to sign a pledge to plant native plants (lower photo above) also received a decal and other promotional material.


Children’s Activities

Junior Master Gardeners offered take-home activities for children (top photo above) and “Be a Butterfly” photo opportunities (bottom photo).



Families with children seemed particularly interested in the beekeeper’s explanation of how a hive functions and the duties of a beekeeper.

Food Trucks

Comments left on the “Our Square” credit card reader and on Facebook were enthusiastic and complimentary:

“I really enjoyed myself. Everyone was super helpful and friendly. Plants were beautiful.”

“Very efficient. Friendly!”

“Thank you all for the wonderful plant sale. Most fun I’ve had in a year and a half. Filled the hatch back!”

Scroll through the gallery below to view photos of the Spring Plant Sale: