Who is a Master Gardener?
A volunteer educator in our community …
… who acts on behalf of the Henrico County Office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) …
… to teach about sustainable gardening and horticulture …
… after receiving specialized training.
Click on the video below to learn more …
Become a Master Gardener
The VCE is affiliated with Virginia’s land-grant universities, Virginia Tech and Virginia State University.
The Henrico VCE Master Gardener Program is offered by the Henrico County Office of the VCE, in partnership with the Henrico County Master Gardener Association.
Where can I see what Henrico Master Gardeners do?
Explore this website to learn about our programs!
Visit our two demonstration gardens
Ask gardening questions through the VCE Horticulture Help Line.
Visit our plant clinics at Farmer’s Markets and Garden Centers from late Spring through early Fall.
Attend our Special Events for adults and children at the Short Pump pollinator garden.
What training will I receive?
Master Gardeners receive training developed by Virginia Tech horticulture specialists, VCE Agents and the VCE Master Gardener Program Coordinator’s office. You will receive 50 hours of classroom (online or in-person) training, and then do a 50-hour internship of volunteer activities in Henrico County.
The classroom training includes basic botany, soil science, woody and herbaceous plant gardening, vegetable gardening, integrated pest management, lawn care and much more.
The internship includes work in demonstration gardens, plant clinics, and public education.
These initial 100 hours must be completed in one calendar year. At the end of the year, you earn the title of Henrico Master Gardener Volunteer. Additional volunteer work and continuing education are required each year to maintain certification.
I’m interested! How do I apply?
Go to the Henrico Master Gardener Application Page
Click on the link to the Henrico Master Gardener Application. The application is completed online using our volunteer management system – Better lmpact. During this process, you will create a login and password for the Better lmpact system. Please write these down and safely save them for later use if accepted into the program. Applications cannot be saved in-process, so please allow 15-20 minutes to complete.
The application requires the names and contact information for two (2) non-family references.
Applications are accepted in October.
Applications are reviewed as received. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted by a veteran Henrico Master Gardener who will schedule a virtual interview with you before the end of November.
When do I receive training?
Classes will be held from Thursday, January 9, to the end of March. There is a $175 fee to cover costs of training materials.
For additional information, please contact the Henrico County Extension office at (804) 501-5160.
Henrico Master Gardener Association (HMGA)
3-Fold Purpose:
Assist the VCE Office in Henrico County with educational programs in horticulture and environmental protection
Foster communication, education, volunteerism and leadership among members
Dues = $25/yr
Eligibility. Anyone who has completed the Master Gardener Training Program through the Virginia Cooperative Extension
Benefits. Regular meetings to share information with membership, provide continuing education opportunities, develop new projects, networking and support
Interested in learning more?
Visit Henrico Extension Office